Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Aiming High

Let's aim high Pinay!

As a second year student of MBA class, we were required to come up with a feasibility study about anything we wish to venture. We were told to group ourselves into four and will work together as a team for this project. My group is composed of all girls working in different establishments. It's very exciting and cute actually working with all girls just like here in my office. PINK RULES! hehehe. By the way, I and my group mates came up with putting up a learning center for kindergartens and nurseries targeting a specific subdivision here in my city where construction of the site is still in progress. Last Sunday, we have conducted a house-to-house market survey and it was a mission accomplishment for us. That was my first time to do that. What an experience! Staying away from dogs, dealing with respondents’ apprehensions and managing a smooth conversation were really very challenging. And aside of that at the middle of our survey it rained so hard. So we went to my officemates house which is just nearby in the survey area and stayed there for awhile while waiting for the rain to stop. Afterwards, we went to a certain subdivision and there we have decided to make it as our target site where we’ll be going to construct our learning center. We did had fun aside of learning much. What an adventure. We're really aiming to continue this project even after graduation. Hopefully! I have faith. Who knows..

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