Thursday, April 24, 2008


I feel so exhausted now. Wish I could do my workout today so I could burn some calories and regain some strength. I wish to do it tonight but I think me and my PBE group mates’ needs to meet to discuss our report for Monday since we couldn't do it tomorrow night. I'm listening to some Bossa Nova songs now but the more I hear it the more I wanted to have some workout. I usually play Bossa Nova when doing some exercise because it helps me relax. I'm doing some programming now for our Hospital Application but my body is aching. I did my workout last Sunday but it has to be twice a week but now I'm just doing it once huhuhu.Before I'm doing it thrice a week. So it doesn't matter if I ate and ate and ate because the calories will be burned anyway. But now I still ate and ate but workout is just once a week. Hmmm maybe that's the reason I'm getting heavier now LOL. Should I go later and meet my group mates? But I really wish to have some workout tonight after office hours. Huhuhu what shall I do??

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