Friday, September 11, 2009

How to say No?

Why is it that the word "No" can sometimes be unspoken or cannot be uttered immediately to an offer? Why is it that it will take a thousand words to define the very simple word "No"? This is what I have encountered this morning when unexpectedly Past District Gorvernor Velez of Rotary Club of West CDO visited me here in my office earlier. It was flattering that someone like him who belongs to a high prestige group in the city personally came here to give the Rotarian application form to me. I admired and respected PDG Velez very much for his kindness and friendship to everybody irregardless of one's status in the community. And to say "No" from his offer is very difficult to do. I cannot simply utter this word but instead it took me much explanation justifying my motives of joining different rotary club instead of his. I have chosen a different group over his simply because I truly feel that this group that I intend to belong right now needs support for it to become a more strong organization. Since I'm in the IT field, I truly believe I can help them in giving information to people about what Rotary Club of Kalayaan is and its own way of reaching and helping the community. It was comforting when PDG Velez understands my intention and shows his warm support anytime. “Thank you Lord for allowing me to know a very kind person like PDG Velez”.

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