Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Dream...

I'm having a cup of coffee now while listening to my Bossa Nova Collection. I really miss blogging. It's my way of expressing myself especially those that comes from my heart. My morning is ok although I have a scary dream last night about riding a plane and it crashed while attempting to land. Gossh.. but in my dream I was crying because I was so thankful that I was not inside when that plane crashed. I was puzzled because some pieces from my dream are missing. I can recall sitting inside while the plane take off and the next thing happened was I saw how the plane crashed and the next thing I was at home crying hard because I was not on that plane. Confusing right? I could still recall the feeling that I have during that time. How grateful I was because during that time my angel helped me again I just couldn’t see how. I felt GOD's presence and he is always there to protect me. That was my first time to dream about airplanes. I feel bad at first when I woke up that's why I'm injecting now the mood of Bossa to help me release that feeling. Few months back, I could still recall I kept on dreaming of someone. Many nights that I dreamt of him and I really don’t know why. That was my first time to a dream a man whose face in my dream is so clear even his smile. At first the picture went very, very clear that I could hardly forget it the scenario every time I woke up. That dream made me asked myself, what is soul mate? I just actually kept that to myself. I kept on dreaming until one day it begins to fade. The face became blurred but I still know that it's him until one day, that dream stopped and worst I dreamt about that plane thing. I wish to know about the meaning of dreams but I am also afraid of unveiling its meaning. Do you believe in dreams? They said dreams are product of heart’s desire...but if this is true, I never desired to be involved in an accident. I have experienced accident one time and it is very, very traumatic. I'm sincerely grateful because GOD is always there for us. His touch of care comes in different ways and too sad that most of the time we didn't noticed it. We should always be grateful and I always believe in prayers. Let’s be thankful always.

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