Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Dose Of Recalling

Wow I must be very occupied keeping me away to write my thoughts here.  But I tell you, what an amazing ride I have been through these past couple of months. Felt like a roller coaster ride filled with up-and-down turns, surprised surrender and  exciting rewards. Becoming contented and striving hard in making a goal happen made it more than enough to suffice my ultimate purpose of being me. I have always wanted to be the maker of reality to someone, the reaching of the dreams they have always wanted and the vessel that will take them to a better tomorrow. I am a seeker and a giver of happiness to those people carved in my existence. I may not be able to shed all but at least to the few, that I take the strength to fulfill the purpose. So I grab my chances. 

The past couple of months was very interesting. Work pressure, friendly encounters, funny gestures, new lessons learned, embracing different culture, silent remarks from the heart, intertwining deeper connections and party lime lights. I truly believe that everything happens and it will connect the dots in the future.  Traces of happiness, that I will always keep. It made me more mature yet young at heart. More patient yet totally more independent. Fragments of our past will always remain in our memory no matter how busy our schedules are. At times when taking a glimpse of the past, you miss a person's laughter, a person's smile, the warm aura and that strange yet sweet connection happened and strongly bonded.

Every time I looked back, I always picture all angles of emotions. May it laughter or sadness, may it hopes and dissapointments. Every details, every glimpse to one's reaction it is tenderly remembered. New acquaintances, new beginnings. Funny memories, fun talks. Exchanging of ideas, sharing of interesting culture. Dejavu, Dementia. Invitation, ditching. Expectations, realizations. Camaraderie, moral support. Love and kindness. Anger and forgiveness. All of these surrounded me giving colors of my everyday's. I am blessed, I am thankful. It is one of the greatest wealth a life can achieved. Circling in the midst of deep emotions, covered by colorful auras. I am truly blessed and deeply grateful.

The past is in me. I will connect it in the future.

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